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Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq. Show all posts
The Mistakes In Iraq
The US Army has admitted the shortcomings of the Iraq War. I commend the Army for it. The report that has written at least underscores what many of us who were critiques have said all along: A failure of leadership, a failure of planning and a failure of execution. We have paid a heavy price. All who were central players received medals and accolades. Who will pay the price for the 4000 dead, over 30,000 wounded and hundred of thousand veterans who will never be the same? I wonder.
The Bush Adminstration & Iran....Cont'd....
Seymour Hersh is reporting in the New Yorker (http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/07/07/080707fa_fact_hersh) that the United States has escalated covert activity against Iran. It has entailed spying against its' nuclear capabilities and working to undermine the current folks who are in charge in Iran. If it is in fact true, I don't understanding the thinking in Washington. There is enough on the Administration's Plate without having to add additional strain to the issues. I am not really surprised since the Bush Administration does not seem to want to talk..only shoot its' way to a solution.
The Iranian IRGC Commander had an interview today threatening to wreck havoc on the Middle East if Israel attacked Iran. What I am afraid of is another massive miscalculation that would result in another Iraq. When will the Bush Administration wake up?
The Iranian IRGC Commander had an interview today threatening to wreck havoc on the Middle East if Israel attacked Iran. What I am afraid of is another massive miscalculation that would result in another Iraq. When will the Bush Administration wake up?
Reflections On Zimbabwe & Iraq
Before I talk about Zimbabwe, let me talk about Iraq. There are a lot of reports on Iraq stating that Iraq is becoming safer. Although Iraq is becoming safer, the country is still in tatters. I tend to believe Nir Rosen and others who view Iraq as virtually existing in name only. In addition, many Iraqis have voted with their feet by leaving Iraq. For those who have remained, they have nothing to look forward to. There are no jobs, no healthcare system, no basic infrascturure to speak up per se because the government continues to exist in name only. There is of course the status of forces agreement negotiations that is continuing between Iraq's Government and the United States. It will be interesting to see what the Iraqi Government finally agrees to.
I wondered about Chalabi. I had not read about him for some time. Throughout my writings here, I have discussed him. Juan Cole (http://www.juancole.com) reports that he was in Tehran. He met with Ali Larijani, The Speaker of the Majlis (The Iranian Parliament). I could not confirm it through either the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting or the Islamic Republic News Agency Website. This guy is the same fraud that was the greatest ally of the U.S. This is the same guy that Senator McCain pushed to have supported as the next George Washington. We've now come full circle. It is a total joke!!
Now, moving on to half-way around the world in Zimbabwe, Mugabe just took the oath of Office as President. I called it a coronation. As Mugabe takes the prize of the Presidency after the joke of an election, it appears the Africa is starting to assert itself and not be quiet anymore. We'll have to see how it goes. For the sake of the people of Zimbabwe who are hungry, unemployed and with no hope, I hope it changes.
I wondered about Chalabi. I had not read about him for some time. Throughout my writings here, I have discussed him. Juan Cole (http://www.juancole.com) reports that he was in Tehran. He met with Ali Larijani, The Speaker of the Majlis (The Iranian Parliament). I could not confirm it through either the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting or the Islamic Republic News Agency Website. This guy is the same fraud that was the greatest ally of the U.S. This is the same guy that Senator McCain pushed to have supported as the next George Washington. We've now come full circle. It is a total joke!!
Now, moving on to half-way around the world in Zimbabwe, Mugabe just took the oath of Office as President. I called it a coronation. As Mugabe takes the prize of the Presidency after the joke of an election, it appears the Africa is starting to assert itself and not be quiet anymore. We'll have to see how it goes. For the sake of the people of Zimbabwe who are hungry, unemployed and with no hope, I hope it changes.
Iraq, Oil and No-Bid Contracts
There is a report that four of the big oil companies in the U.S. have been awarded contracts to help develop Iraq's oil infrastructure. This is in addition to the negotiations on the Iraqi Status of Force agreement. Iraq claims to be sovereign. I wonder.
On another note, there is a rush now to start opening up ANWAR and the outer continental shelf. This is great rhetoric. The fact is that such action will not yield any substantive results in the short term. So, why start this now? The key is to begin to think beyond the "now". That's the key. Yet, all our efforts are being spent on somehow coming up with a magic solution to bring down the price of gas. It will not happen overnight. Our leaders want us to believe otherwise.
When will the politicans start telling us the way it is?
On another note, there is a rush now to start opening up ANWAR and the outer continental shelf. This is great rhetoric. The fact is that such action will not yield any substantive results in the short term. So, why start this now? The key is to begin to think beyond the "now". That's the key. Yet, all our efforts are being spent on somehow coming up with a magic solution to bring down the price of gas. It will not happen overnight. Our leaders want us to believe otherwise.
When will the politicans start telling us the way it is?
Ahmad Chalabi....
As I read and thought about Iraq this past week, I wondered about this man. He was a man who assured the Bush Administration that our soldiers will be treated as liberators. Yet, he was never held to account. I read that somehow he is still involved. He has a lot of nerve, that's for sure. On a serious note, there is quite a lesson to be learnt by future Administrations, though. You have to talk to everyone, understand where everyone is coming from and be a true, honest broker. We have lost so much because of this man and how the President took us into a war that did not have to be fought.
The need to talk to everyone and keep all lines of communication open was underscored by the Israeli Daniel Levy, when he said recently, "....if you're not talking to everyone, you're going to be Chalabied every time...." (Courtesy: http://www.time.com, retrieved May 24, 2008). I could not have said it better myself.
I do wonder, though, how Chalabi sleeps at night.
The need to talk to everyone and keep all lines of communication open was underscored by the Israeli Daniel Levy, when he said recently, "....if you're not talking to everyone, you're going to be Chalabied every time...." (Courtesy: http://www.time.com, retrieved May 24, 2008). I could not have said it better myself.
I do wonder, though, how Chalabi sleeps at night.
Joe Biden...
Today, Joe Biden said it like it is. He blasted the President for comparing those who advocate negotations to dealing with the Nazis. Joe Biden was right when he said that the President's policy has weakened us in every aspect. The President seems to be in a different world and continue his "us vs. them" mentality. He does not seem to want to even try at diplomacy and keeps throwing out wild accusations without any proof. Of course, after Iraq, who would believe....
Iraq: Five Years On....
Al Jazeera has done some analysis of Iraq, five years on. Here is the link: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/53540CEC-7A04-4E85-935B-88B0E3C77E41.htm (retrieved May 15, 2008). It is an alternative point of view...something more believable than Fox News.
Lebanon Is Burning!!!
Lebanon went up in flames, again. Hezbollah pulled back from the brink when the Army intervened. The country has been without a President since late 2007. This instability has been caused by one thing and one thing along: The U.S. Invasion of Iraq and the 2006 Israeli invasion of South Lebanon. To this date, I can't understand why the United States stayed silent for almost a month while Israel destroyed South Lebanon.
The so-called New Middle East that the Secretary of State talked about is in flames. The Arabs, also, have to be ashamed. The so-called Arab Leaders are nothing but puppets. The good news is this: At least in Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE and to a lesser extent, Oman and Saudi Arabia, there is a a realization that oil won't last forever. But, our leaders don't seem to realize that and have floated ideas like a gas tax holiday. The world is changing...and I wonder if our present structures can cope with it.
The so-called New Middle East that the Secretary of State talked about is in flames. The Arabs, also, have to be ashamed. The so-called Arab Leaders are nothing but puppets. The good news is this: At least in Qatar, Bahrain, the UAE and to a lesser extent, Oman and Saudi Arabia, there is a a realization that oil won't last forever. But, our leaders don't seem to realize that and have floated ideas like a gas tax holiday. The world is changing...and I wonder if our present structures can cope with it.
The Iraq Drama
Whenever I read Juan Cole's Blog, I get sick to my stomach. The daily summary of violence he reports on continues to be one voice (among many) who is telling the truth as the President, Senator McCain and the rest of the right-wing in the U.S. continue the happy talk on Iraq. I was a bit surprised when Juan Cole heaped praise on General Petraues. But, the military can only do so much. There lies the problem.
As the debate in the U.S. has continued, Iraq continues to sink further into the abyss. The latest target is the Sadr Movement. Moqtada-Al-Sadr's Brother-in-Law was assassinated. Nir Rosen is right when he says there is no Iraqi Government. Why we believe the fiction in this country is beyond me. Maybe I am not supposed to understand.
As the debate in the U.S. has continued, Iraq continues to sink further into the abyss. The latest target is the Sadr Movement. Moqtada-Al-Sadr's Brother-in-Law was assassinated. Nir Rosen is right when he says there is no Iraqi Government. Why we believe the fiction in this country is beyond me. Maybe I am not supposed to understand.
Juan Cole,
Nir Rosen,
President Bush,
Senator McCain
The Democratic Battle
Well, voices have arisen for Senator Clinton to quit. I can understand President Clinton's E-Mail pledge request yesterday when he said that the battle is still potentially winnable. The problem I have is that the more this battle goes on, the Republicans are going to take advantage of it. I am reminded of that scene in the Rob Reiner Film, the American President, when Michael Douglas said that the two key things that helps wins elections are the blame and the fear game. The Republicans are masters are it. John McCain has been at it when he accused the Democrats of raising the white flag of surrender. In addition, John McCain also has basically said that people are on their own and cannot expect any help on mortgage relief, on health care and on education. I am sure that Senator McCain and his surrogates will disagree with this blanket statement. But, the facts are the facts. Of course, I don't think Senator Obama's speech about blaming Bill Clinton's Presidency for the economic predicament helped matters earlier this week. The Republicans did a fine job of blaming everything on Bill Clinton.
Now, what does the future hold? I am very very pessimistic. Let's see what this week brings about.
By the way, Iraq went through another five days of renewed violence. Motagda Sadr did order his figthers of the streets and as the BBC said, preserved his army. But, the so-called progress that the Bush Adminstration has been peddling turned out to be a hollow claim. In addition, there is word that the troop drawdown will slow down. When will Mr. Bush be held accountable?
Now, what does the future hold? I am very very pessimistic. Let's see what this week brings about.
By the way, Iraq went through another five days of renewed violence. Motagda Sadr did order his figthers of the streets and as the BBC said, preserved his army. But, the so-called progress that the Bush Adminstration has been peddling turned out to be a hollow claim. In addition, there is word that the troop drawdown will slow down. When will Mr. Bush be held accountable?
Barrack Obama,
Michael Douglas,
Senator McCain
The latest twist in the Democratic Battle
Well, Senator Obama released his tax returns. Senator Clinton pledged to release her tax returns. As a Democrat, I am frankly frustrated and disappointed. The world is falling apart. Iraq is once again about to blow up in our faces. Four Thousand of our best and brightest have lost their lives. Four Thousand Brothers, sisters, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters will not come back to their loved ones again. Yet, the leading Democratic Candidates fight over tax returns. If this farce continues, Senator McCain will most certainly win. And we will have more of the same. This has to stop NOW!!! Someone needs to get involved and bring this comical show to a conclusion. I wonder if that will happen, though!!!
Another Interesting Week...With Our Esteemed Vice President & Other Tidbits
Our esteemed Vice President is on a tour of the Middle East to help push the so-called Middle East Peace launched at Annapolis. He visited Israel and voiced support (Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7310012.stm, retrieved March 22, 2008). I don't truly understand how the United States can have any credibility at all after what has happened in Iraq, the regimes that have little or no semblance of democracy (with the exception of Kuwait) and the fact that Gaza continues to suffer. I understand the need for Israel to be secure. Israel's right to exist is non-negotiable. However, Israel must adopt a way to disarm the very reason that Palestinians should pick up arms. But, at some stage, there needs to be peace. The last seven years has been a total waste. Only one man is ultimately to blame: George W. Bush. How can George W. Bush say that Iraq is a success when mortars just landed in the Green Zone? (Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7310173.stm, Retrieved March 22, 2008). There is of course Juan Cole and his reporting on what is actually going on. He reported today that the Awakening Movement is on the verge of striking because its' fighters have not been paid in a while. Professor Cole has documented a number of issues that should be of concern. But, of course, the Bush Administration will not listen to voices of reason.
As the train wreck continues, there was also a story in today's Financial Times regarding the latest push against Iran. They're trying to shut down Iran's Financial Sector. They have said that the entire banking sector is off limits. Now that they have destroyed Iraq, they're after Iran now. But Iran is not Iraq. Iran is a more formidable adversary. But, Iran does have its' profound challenges. The vaunted Iranian military machine is vulnerable. The Iranian Navy was destroyed (according to certain reporting in Jane's Defense Weekly). The Air Force is not as modern--although a lot of investment has been made. But, the key players in the Iranian Regime are not fools. They have been at it for almost thirty years. The current Supreme Jurisprudence, Ali Khameini, has been in charge of Iran for almost twenty years. (By the way, I like what Juan Cole calls it, not what the rest of the world calls it..Supreme Leader...because that is in fact his role with the literal translation of Farsi). He has made enough mistakes to understand what it takes to hold the country.
Our world is in a state of flux. I am fearful for our world...and wonder about its' viability.
The struggle goes on....
As the train wreck continues, there was also a story in today's Financial Times regarding the latest push against Iran. They're trying to shut down Iran's Financial Sector. They have said that the entire banking sector is off limits. Now that they have destroyed Iraq, they're after Iran now. But Iran is not Iraq. Iran is a more formidable adversary. But, Iran does have its' profound challenges. The vaunted Iranian military machine is vulnerable. The Iranian Navy was destroyed (according to certain reporting in Jane's Defense Weekly). The Air Force is not as modern--although a lot of investment has been made. But, the key players in the Iranian Regime are not fools. They have been at it for almost thirty years. The current Supreme Jurisprudence, Ali Khameini, has been in charge of Iran for almost twenty years. (By the way, I like what Juan Cole calls it, not what the rest of the world calls it..Supreme Leader...because that is in fact his role with the literal translation of Farsi). He has made enough mistakes to understand what it takes to hold the country.
Our world is in a state of flux. I am fearful for our world...and wonder about its' viability.
The struggle goes on....
Iraq..Five Years On (Cont'd)
Tomorrow will the five year anniversary of the Iraq War. The Vice President made a surprise trip to Iraq and said that the effort was "worth it" and that there was "success". John McCain also said it as such. I am not sure what the Vice President is thinking or what he's smoking. The lies continue. While this deception continues, here at home, The California Department of Education announced that 20,000 staff members have received early termination notices. Yet, our esteemed leaders are sending over 10 billion dollars a month to Iraq. People keep dying...and my son's school has to hold recycling drives to raise funds for their school. The US Corporate Media has been silent. That silence is mind boggling. The same people were the ones whom , as Frank Rich said so well in his book, were so gong-ho. When will the hypocrisy end?
Iraq...Five Years On.....
I caught a glimpse of CNN's reliable sources this morning. This week marks five years since Iraq was invaded. Senator McCain, according to CNN, BBC and other sources is in Iraq with Senator Lindsay Graham, Senator Joseph Lieberman to assess the situation. Questions may well come up about whether it is proper or not. I don't think it to be the question. The bigger question is whether the policy is working or not. Yes, the surge has given a pause to the violence.
In Juan Cole's Blog this morning, Patrick Coburn said that Iraq is gone. Yet, folks within the Republican party continue to cling on to the fantasy of saving "Iraq". Senator McCain's view that people who disagree with him are not patriotic is also beyond contempt. There is nothing wrong with admitting failure. Senator McCain needs to be held to account for his so-called "conservative" record. That conservative record has resulted in our country been overtaken by the European Union in terms of economic size. Conservatives should be free to speak up. But, they have had a 20 year run.
I continue to be worried for the future. I do think that the future is in our hands. We have to be aware and vigliant. The vigliance is key for us to insure a viable and safe future for our children.
In Juan Cole's Blog this morning, Patrick Coburn said that Iraq is gone. Yet, folks within the Republican party continue to cling on to the fantasy of saving "Iraq". Senator McCain's view that people who disagree with him are not patriotic is also beyond contempt. There is nothing wrong with admitting failure. Senator McCain needs to be held to account for his so-called "conservative" record. That conservative record has resulted in our country been overtaken by the European Union in terms of economic size. Conservatives should be free to speak up. But, they have had a 20 year run.
I continue to be worried for the future. I do think that the future is in our hands. We have to be aware and vigliant. The vigliance is key for us to insure a viable and safe future for our children.
Reflections on 2007.....Hopes for 2008
Before I talk about 2008, the year we just finished was quite interesting, to say the least. The year, for me, was defined by Iraq and all that was going on. It was defined by the "surge" and how President Bush decided to send more troops. There were over 16,000 people who lost their lives in 2007, according to the BBC. Yet, the Adminstration claimed that the "surge" had in fact worked because there were less people dying. The yardstick of progress is frankly laughable. It reminds me when Joe Lieberman said that Iraqis had a lot of mobile phones, which led him to believe that there was progress. What bothered me the most was that we were lied to. Unfortuantely, no one was held to account.
The year also saw Pakistan also getting closer to the Abyss. Pervez Musharaf finally retired as Chief of Army Staff, but his policies (with the support of the Bush Adminstration), radicalized Pakistan even further. What the Bush Adminstration tried to do in pushing Benzair Bhutto to co-habitat with President Musharaff blew up in their face. Ms. Bhutto was assassinated and those plans were thrown into disarray. Ms. Bhutto's son was named as Chair of her Party. But, Pakistan has become increasingly radicalized. Whether the Bhutto clan that has apparently stolen over 1.5 Billion Dollars over the last twelve years has the crediblity to lead the country remains to be seen. I am certain that Tariq Ali's comments on Democracy Now last week (http://www.democracynow.org) was based on documented proof. At least the Pakistani Armed Forces will insure the country will remain united. In all these games (including Nawaz Sharif positioning himself as a future leader), the average Pakistani seems to be lost.
I can't help but reflect upon the current forgotten war: Afghanistan. It was a year that saw the lies of Pat Tillman (which I talked about),it saw the Taliban roaring back stronger than ever and Afghanistan becoming the biggest poppy producer in the world. Yet, Hamid Karzai went on the BBC and at the White House announced that everything was great. When Karzai was asked about the poppy production, he claimed that poppy was actually decreasing. Karzai also invited the "good" Taliban to join him. Why the Taliban want to join a corrupt, discredited government is beyond me. Karzai also has no credibility. Tariq Ali, the Pakistani/British Commentator, told of Karzai's younger brother running the Heroin ring and also running a weapon smuggling operation. I am just amazed as to the nerve of this man standing besides President Bush and going off telling us how things are great. But, I guess an ordinary face in the crowd like me is not supposed to understand and question, just believe what he's being fed.
The year 2007 also saw the rich getting richer around the world. Some of the wealth controlled by folks like Carlos Slim, Roman Abravomich, Prince Alwaeed of Saudi Arabia and others is beyond imagination. Such extravaggance allows folks like Prince Alwaeed to pay almost 400 million dollars for a Airbus 380. Carlos Slim controls a staggering percentage of the Borsa in Mexico and is a dominant player throughout the Americas.
The year 2007 also saw Vladimir Putin continue his dominance of Russian Politics and engineered a "managed democratic" transition. It also saw a Russia that became a leading international player by virtue of its' new found wealth because of high oil prices. This led him to be named Time Person of the year for 2007. Tsar Putin is clearly the man in charge--although he agreed to serve as Prime Minister under his chosen successor. In addition, Iran continued its' "my way or the highway" approach to International Relations. Iran continued its' nuclear program, Ahmadinjead continued his speeches while the ordinary folks in Iran continued suffering from economic difficulties. Of course, Ahmadinejad's visit to New York and his appearance at Columbia University was also a comical act. Not withstanding Columbia President Lee Bollinger's Speech, Ahmadinejad did not help himself by the rather odd and off the wall comments that he made. 2008 continues to be a challenging one for Iran. It is especially so because the U.S. and the rest of the world is out for blood due to the Iranian Nuclear Program.
As for the United States, we are to have our first caucus. Iowa is scheduled to hold its' caucus on January 3rd. An interesting note on tonight's CBS News stated that the two leading Democractic Candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, raised over $ 100 Million Each during 2007. It is a sad testimony that such is an absolute requirement to get to the Presidency and the average individual gets lost in the shuffle. The Economy will be of immense concern. The housing crisis will have a chilling effect on the economy for quite some time. Everyone within housing is facing challenges. It is scary and I see it getting worst before it getting better.
On the technology front, this year was the year of the iphone. It is a slick device. Yet, for some reason, I was not impressed. For a clumsy guy like me who drops his phone and uses his phone to death, I am not sure if a iphone is the phone to have. Many folks have it. I would imagine I may end up owning a second or third generation iphone. What is of huge interest to me is Google's Android Initiative. It is a Ten Million Dollar prize Google has put out to come up with the best mobile platform. In the December 31, 2007 edition of the Financial Times, there was a forecast that Google's stock will hit $ 1000. It also talked about Google's reach becoming ever more. They're going to go after the latest spectrum auction by the FCC and they're going to get it. It also was the year that the $ 100 laptop (actually $ 200) shipping. The idea was to bring the digital age to the dispossessed. And they seem to have succeed despite the odds.
As I embrace 2008, I remain hopeful. Someone once said that using the word "hope" reflects an element of uncertainity. I remain hopeful because we have an election coming up in the United States, Technology will continue to help drive the future, there is more of an awarness to tend to our planet and there will continue to be a move towards common sense. As residents of spaceship Earth, we have to step up and be responsible, help the dispossessed and live our lives in the most honorable and just way possible. I do get worried when the Financial Times tells us that corporations will move away from Corporate Social Responsiblity and will again turn inward to deal with profits at all costs. It seems to me that being social responsible and green is right and good for business.
As I go forward to 2008, I remind myself of what Sparky Anderson once said: "...People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it.... ..." (courtesy of http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sparky_Anderson, retrieved January 1, 2008). As such, I will be marching along while embracing the challenges and the opportunities. The best is yet to come!!!
The year also saw Pakistan also getting closer to the Abyss. Pervez Musharaf finally retired as Chief of Army Staff, but his policies (with the support of the Bush Adminstration), radicalized Pakistan even further. What the Bush Adminstration tried to do in pushing Benzair Bhutto to co-habitat with President Musharaff blew up in their face. Ms. Bhutto was assassinated and those plans were thrown into disarray. Ms. Bhutto's son was named as Chair of her Party. But, Pakistan has become increasingly radicalized. Whether the Bhutto clan that has apparently stolen over 1.5 Billion Dollars over the last twelve years has the crediblity to lead the country remains to be seen. I am certain that Tariq Ali's comments on Democracy Now last week (http://www.democracynow.org) was based on documented proof. At least the Pakistani Armed Forces will insure the country will remain united. In all these games (including Nawaz Sharif positioning himself as a future leader), the average Pakistani seems to be lost.
I can't help but reflect upon the current forgotten war: Afghanistan. It was a year that saw the lies of Pat Tillman (which I talked about),it saw the Taliban roaring back stronger than ever and Afghanistan becoming the biggest poppy producer in the world. Yet, Hamid Karzai went on the BBC and at the White House announced that everything was great. When Karzai was asked about the poppy production, he claimed that poppy was actually decreasing. Karzai also invited the "good" Taliban to join him. Why the Taliban want to join a corrupt, discredited government is beyond me. Karzai also has no credibility. Tariq Ali, the Pakistani/British Commentator, told of Karzai's younger brother running the Heroin ring and also running a weapon smuggling operation. I am just amazed as to the nerve of this man standing besides President Bush and going off telling us how things are great. But, I guess an ordinary face in the crowd like me is not supposed to understand and question, just believe what he's being fed.
The year 2007 also saw the rich getting richer around the world. Some of the wealth controlled by folks like Carlos Slim, Roman Abravomich, Prince Alwaeed of Saudi Arabia and others is beyond imagination. Such extravaggance allows folks like Prince Alwaeed to pay almost 400 million dollars for a Airbus 380. Carlos Slim controls a staggering percentage of the Borsa in Mexico and is a dominant player throughout the Americas.
The year 2007 also saw Vladimir Putin continue his dominance of Russian Politics and engineered a "managed democratic" transition. It also saw a Russia that became a leading international player by virtue of its' new found wealth because of high oil prices. This led him to be named Time Person of the year for 2007. Tsar Putin is clearly the man in charge--although he agreed to serve as Prime Minister under his chosen successor. In addition, Iran continued its' "my way or the highway" approach to International Relations. Iran continued its' nuclear program, Ahmadinjead continued his speeches while the ordinary folks in Iran continued suffering from economic difficulties. Of course, Ahmadinejad's visit to New York and his appearance at Columbia University was also a comical act. Not withstanding Columbia President Lee Bollinger's Speech, Ahmadinejad did not help himself by the rather odd and off the wall comments that he made. 2008 continues to be a challenging one for Iran. It is especially so because the U.S. and the rest of the world is out for blood due to the Iranian Nuclear Program.
As for the United States, we are to have our first caucus. Iowa is scheduled to hold its' caucus on January 3rd. An interesting note on tonight's CBS News stated that the two leading Democractic Candidates, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama, raised over $ 100 Million Each during 2007. It is a sad testimony that such is an absolute requirement to get to the Presidency and the average individual gets lost in the shuffle. The Economy will be of immense concern. The housing crisis will have a chilling effect on the economy for quite some time. Everyone within housing is facing challenges. It is scary and I see it getting worst before it getting better.
On the technology front, this year was the year of the iphone. It is a slick device. Yet, for some reason, I was not impressed. For a clumsy guy like me who drops his phone and uses his phone to death, I am not sure if a iphone is the phone to have. Many folks have it. I would imagine I may end up owning a second or third generation iphone. What is of huge interest to me is Google's Android Initiative. It is a Ten Million Dollar prize Google has put out to come up with the best mobile platform. In the December 31, 2007 edition of the Financial Times, there was a forecast that Google's stock will hit $ 1000. It also talked about Google's reach becoming ever more. They're going to go after the latest spectrum auction by the FCC and they're going to get it. It also was the year that the $ 100 laptop (actually $ 200) shipping. The idea was to bring the digital age to the dispossessed. And they seem to have succeed despite the odds.
As I embrace 2008, I remain hopeful. Someone once said that using the word "hope" reflects an element of uncertainity. I remain hopeful because we have an election coming up in the United States, Technology will continue to help drive the future, there is more of an awarness to tend to our planet and there will continue to be a move towards common sense. As residents of spaceship Earth, we have to step up and be responsible, help the dispossessed and live our lives in the most honorable and just way possible. I do get worried when the Financial Times tells us that corporations will move away from Corporate Social Responsiblity and will again turn inward to deal with profits at all costs. It seems to me that being social responsible and green is right and good for business.
As I go forward to 2008, I remind myself of what Sparky Anderson once said: "...People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it.... ..." (courtesy of http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Sparky_Anderson, retrieved January 1, 2008). As such, I will be marching along while embracing the challenges and the opportunities. The best is yet to come!!!
President Bush,
Sparky Anderson
Another Interesting Week......
It has been an interesting week, to say the least....
First of, the Carnage in the Middle East continues. The daily challenges of Iraq has largely fallen off the "mainstream" press. Right now, it is the Turks and the Kurds that is causing the greatest challenge. The Kurds just killed 12 Turkish Soldiers. What bothered me was Talabani, Iraq's President, telling the PKK guerrillas to lay down their arms or leave Iraq. What further bothered me was Barzani, the Kurds' Iraqi leader, saying that the kurds will defend against any Turk Incursion--as if the Government in Baghdad did not exist. To me, they are both hypocrites. They are hypocrites simply because the Kurdistant Regional Government is an independent country in every regard but name only. To add insult to injury, Talabani said that the Turks have no right to invade Iraqi Kurd territory. Well, the United States took the lead on the doctrine of pre-emption. Therefore, Talabani has no credibility whatsoever to discuss this.
Benazir Bhutto went back to Pakistan and was almost killed. Pakistan is on the brink and whether it can be saved remains to be seen. One thing is for sure: the killing in Pakistan is but another example of the side effect of the "war on terror" that has unleashed so much anger and frustration that can't be contained that easily.
As for the economy, it seems to be going downhill. There was a massive sell off on Friday. This is also the 20th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. The housing market correction is set to continue..and I'm not ashamed to say that I am worried to death.
The struggle does continue....and it is a valiant struggle indeed!!!
First of, the Carnage in the Middle East continues. The daily challenges of Iraq has largely fallen off the "mainstream" press. Right now, it is the Turks and the Kurds that is causing the greatest challenge. The Kurds just killed 12 Turkish Soldiers. What bothered me was Talabani, Iraq's President, telling the PKK guerrillas to lay down their arms or leave Iraq. What further bothered me was Barzani, the Kurds' Iraqi leader, saying that the kurds will defend against any Turk Incursion--as if the Government in Baghdad did not exist. To me, they are both hypocrites. They are hypocrites simply because the Kurdistant Regional Government is an independent country in every regard but name only. To add insult to injury, Talabani said that the Turks have no right to invade Iraqi Kurd territory. Well, the United States took the lead on the doctrine of pre-emption. Therefore, Talabani has no credibility whatsoever to discuss this.
Benazir Bhutto went back to Pakistan and was almost killed. Pakistan is on the brink and whether it can be saved remains to be seen. One thing is for sure: the killing in Pakistan is but another example of the side effect of the "war on terror" that has unleashed so much anger and frustration that can't be contained that easily.
As for the economy, it seems to be going downhill. There was a massive sell off on Friday. This is also the 20th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash. The housing market correction is set to continue..and I'm not ashamed to say that I am worried to death.
The struggle does continue....and it is a valiant struggle indeed!!!
Silent Exile
Jake Price has just had a series of powerful images of Iraqi exiles....These are the images...another result of the disastrous decision by "the decider" ,George W. Bush:
The images are heart-breaking and left my speechless.....
The images are heart-breaking and left my speechless.....
Another Interesting Few Days....
The French President, Mr. Sarkozy, is an interesting fellow. He rose to be President in a society where it is tough to pull yourself up. Yet, he did. My hat's off to him. He is passionate about France--as he should be. He is France's best cheerleader. BUT, I think he's a bit full of himself. This came home to me during the G-8 Conference. All the leaders were walking together and the only guy on the phone was The President of France. Some of the other leaders are, I am sure, just as busy and engaged as well. Furthermore, he does not have the best record anyway. The riots in 2006 are a black mark. Although, apparently, the French People gave him a clean bill and elected him anyway.
I am also disturbed by the push the President of France is making on Iran. In this case, he's trying to outflank George W. Bush. Again, the present government is not the issue. Every attempt must be made to avoid war. Yet, Mr. Sarkozy would want to do otherwise.
As for President Bush, he keeps feeding us this fiction on "things are getting better in Iraq." Yet the killing seems to go on. What is bothering me is that George W. Bush misled us and will not be held to account. He says he is the decider. Well, nobody crowned him King. The drumbeat towards war does continue. It does not help when guys like Glen Beck do "research" on the 12th Imam and the end of time and keep pushing the drumbeat on war. Glen Beck had a pastor on his show on CNN Headline Prime. I heard the guy speak for a minute about building up the government of Iran and creating this myth of a government that is going to attack us tomorrow and putting it in biblical terms. I am glad I only saw a minute of it only. He is entitled to his opinion. But, they should not silence those of us who have questioned the wisdom of this policy which has been misguided and has cost so much in lives and treasure. It is a policy that has cost us dearly in our personal liberties.
Now, onward to Iraq.....General Petraus had a interview on CNN. He openly accused the Iranian Ambassador of being a member of the Quds Force--and by implication a terrorist by U.S. Government Standards, telling the world that there is "no question". We are supposed to believe him. But, no one questions the honorable General about the PKK. Yes, Sean McCormick did condemn the cross border raid and the resulting death of 13 Turkish Soldiers. But, The government of Kurdistan (because Iraqi Kurdistan is for all practical purposes independent) allows the PKK to operate at will. This is another example of a policy that is a non-policy. The chaos is mind-boggling.
I can't end this thought without talking about Afghanistan. I had talked about the fact that the apparent gains made by NATO forces were pretty much gone. Beyond that, one of the things that further bothers me is that Afghanistan continues to break all record in poppy production..another success story by President Bush....
We do have a vibrant stock market....unemployment is steady.....interest rates are for now reasonably under control....but, world challenges do remain.
I look forward to my contribution to Blog Action Day on October 15. We have to do something to preserve Spaceship Earth (as Jay Barbere of NBC News reminded us on Meet The Press this past Sunday). Hopefully, this is a small step!!!
Despite all the challenges, I'll continue to keep the faith....I have no choice....
I am also disturbed by the push the President of France is making on Iran. In this case, he's trying to outflank George W. Bush. Again, the present government is not the issue. Every attempt must be made to avoid war. Yet, Mr. Sarkozy would want to do otherwise.
As for President Bush, he keeps feeding us this fiction on "things are getting better in Iraq." Yet the killing seems to go on. What is bothering me is that George W. Bush misled us and will not be held to account. He says he is the decider. Well, nobody crowned him King. The drumbeat towards war does continue. It does not help when guys like Glen Beck do "research" on the 12th Imam and the end of time and keep pushing the drumbeat on war. Glen Beck had a pastor on his show on CNN Headline Prime. I heard the guy speak for a minute about building up the government of Iran and creating this myth of a government that is going to attack us tomorrow and putting it in biblical terms. I am glad I only saw a minute of it only. He is entitled to his opinion. But, they should not silence those of us who have questioned the wisdom of this policy which has been misguided and has cost so much in lives and treasure. It is a policy that has cost us dearly in our personal liberties.
Now, onward to Iraq.....General Petraus had a interview on CNN. He openly accused the Iranian Ambassador of being a member of the Quds Force--and by implication a terrorist by U.S. Government Standards, telling the world that there is "no question". We are supposed to believe him. But, no one questions the honorable General about the PKK. Yes, Sean McCormick did condemn the cross border raid and the resulting death of 13 Turkish Soldiers. But, The government of Kurdistan (because Iraqi Kurdistan is for all practical purposes independent) allows the PKK to operate at will. This is another example of a policy that is a non-policy. The chaos is mind-boggling.
I can't end this thought without talking about Afghanistan. I had talked about the fact that the apparent gains made by NATO forces were pretty much gone. Beyond that, one of the things that further bothers me is that Afghanistan continues to break all record in poppy production..another success story by President Bush....
We do have a vibrant stock market....unemployment is steady.....interest rates are for now reasonably under control....but, world challenges do remain.
I look forward to my contribution to Blog Action Day on October 15. We have to do something to preserve Spaceship Earth (as Jay Barbere of NBC News reminded us on Meet The Press this past Sunday). Hopefully, this is a small step!!!
Despite all the challenges, I'll continue to keep the faith....I have no choice....
Blog Action Day,
Quds Force
Another Exciting Week....
Things are never boring in Washington. Just this week saw the President justifying his "conservative" credentials on the back of the poor and the desperate. I heard today that he justified his veto of the S-Chip program (the insurance program for kids) on the fact that it "costs" too much and that government programs ought to encourage people to buy private insurance. The President is living in Fantasyland. Health Insurance is increasingly becoming a luxury for many Americans. It seems that Conservatives and Republicans think that it is a privilege and not a right. Whenever such things occur, I am reminded of what John Kerry said during one of the debates: don't get sick. That's exactly the message that the President sent out today.
As the President was telling the country about his desire to limit the role of government and the desire to be fiscally prudent (what a joke!!!), he sent forth his largest submittal to Congress for $ 190 Billion to fund the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. Nobody dares to remind him of how he has continued to mislead the country. Nobody in the mainstream press is working to call him to account over his overt attempts to re-write and rejustify history. At least, icons like Senator Byrd are there to remind the ever-powerful President and Adminstration that Congress will not be a rubber stamp. The President will get the money--because we are at war that we did not need to be in.
I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I saw the GAO report which just came out with a report of $ 146 Million in travel expense abuses. What a record to run on...if any Republican survives in 2008, it will be a miracle....
Also, BTW, I saw the amen crowd in Congress speaking up for Blackwater (including Tom Davis and Darrell Issa). I guess their view is that we have to simply not say anything and let the neo-mercenaries do pretty much whatever they want. Yes, they rescued the Polish Ambassador today. Well, for $ 600/Day, they better do something.
I am thankful for guys like Henry Waxman that just won't give up and will hold the feet of the Administration to the fire. Democrats have to win...for the sake of us all....
As the President was telling the country about his desire to limit the role of government and the desire to be fiscally prudent (what a joke!!!), he sent forth his largest submittal to Congress for $ 190 Billion to fund the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. Nobody dares to remind him of how he has continued to mislead the country. Nobody in the mainstream press is working to call him to account over his overt attempts to re-write and rejustify history. At least, icons like Senator Byrd are there to remind the ever-powerful President and Adminstration that Congress will not be a rubber stamp. The President will get the money--because we are at war that we did not need to be in.
I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I saw the GAO report which just came out with a report of $ 146 Million in travel expense abuses. What a record to run on...if any Republican survives in 2008, it will be a miracle....
Also, BTW, I saw the amen crowd in Congress speaking up for Blackwater (including Tom Davis and Darrell Issa). I guess their view is that we have to simply not say anything and let the neo-mercenaries do pretty much whatever they want. Yes, they rescued the Polish Ambassador today. Well, for $ 600/Day, they better do something.
I am thankful for guys like Henry Waxman that just won't give up and will hold the feet of the Administration to the fire. Democrats have to win...for the sake of us all....
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