As I read and thought about Iraq this past week, I wondered about this man. He was a man who assured the Bush Administration that our soldiers will be treated as liberators. Yet, he was never held to account. I read that somehow he is still involved. He has a lot of nerve, that's for sure. On a serious note, there is quite a lesson to be learnt by future Administrations, though. You have to talk to everyone, understand where everyone is coming from and be a true, honest broker. We have lost so much because of this man and how the President took us into a war that did not have to be fought.
The need to talk to everyone and keep all lines of communication open was underscored by the Israeli Daniel Levy, when he said recently, "....if you're not talking to everyone, you're going to be Chalabied every time...." (Courtesy:, retrieved May 24, 2008). I could not have said it better myself.
I do wonder, though, how Chalabi sleeps at night.