
Notations On Our World (Week-End Edition): On The Fascinating US Political Scene (II)

We found this to be fascinating from the Washington Examiner which we hope all enjoy:

Revolutionary: Trump ramps up populism in post-debate New Hampshire

Revolutionary: Trump ramps up populism in post-debate New Hampshire

The loudspeakers blasted the Beatles' "Revolution" when Donald Trump took the stage at Plymouth State University, writes the Washington Examiner's Byron York. "Trump railed against pharmaceutical companies. He railed against oil companies. And insurance companies. And defense contractors. Echoing at times, and even praising Bernie Sanders, Trump argued the system allows big-money corporate "bloodsuckers" to control the government.
Bernie Sanders' Tea Party-like threat to the Democrat establishment

Bernie Sanders' Tea Party-like threat to the Democrat establishment

Bernie Sanders scored his first victory of 2016 over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire - before the primary. If Sanders didn't prove he was a serious challenger to Clinton in Iowa, where just two-tenths of 1 percent of the vote separated them, he did when he appeared on the stage with her in Durham, N.H., for a party-sanctioned debate that was never supposed to happen in the first place.

The man who defeated Eric Cantor foreshadowed a political upheaval

The man who defeated Eric Cantor foreshadowed a political upheaval

Only one person can say he defeated a sitting majority leader in the House of Representatives: Republican Rep. David Brat, representing the 7th district of Virginia. Brat shocked the nation when he beat former Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a June 2014 Republican primary. Brat focused almost exclusively on illegal immigration and reducing federal debt. Less than two years later, the presidential election has given rise to similarly historic circumstances, with nontraditional candidates surging largely by emphasizing a need to restrict immigration. Brat offers his fascinating perspective in an interview with the Washington Examiner's Rudy Takala.

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