
Notations On Our World (W-End Edition): On #Iran (Updated)

It is election season in Iran and our team has been  continuing to assess the on-going fight between the two ruling factions in the Islamic Republic.   It was quite an interesting move by the 3 Members of Congress to send this letter off as they submitted Visa Applications to be observers at the Elections.  As we assessed the latest out of Iran,we found it curious that there was not a response to this letter in official State Media.

Iran has also in the midst of remembering the Revolution.    Khameini had met with the families of the fallen including recent ones--this particular one is the son of a Colonel who had been killed in Iraq:

Here is the Letter that was sent out:

(Updated Notations: O ne of the regular features we will be having is to showcase the plight of prisoners as we assess the latest out of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch in Ira.    After we released this, we reviewed reports of the detaining of Bahman Darleshaghi (Farsi:  بهمن دارالشفایی) by agents of the Intelligence Ministry.    His plight was brought up with the Iranian Foreign Minister and he noted that he noted that he was not aware of his plight and underscored the independence of the Judiciary.    He was working for the BBC Farsi Service and decided to return to Iran and began working as a Translator/Consultant before he was detained. We will continue to be on the prowl for his case and others.)

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