
Notations From the Grid: On The Aftermath of the GOP Debate & A Sampling of Campaign outreach

The Sixth GOP Debate is now history.      The attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton dominated the night--in addition to the sparring over Ted Cruz' qualifications to run for office, Donald Trump's temperament and the record of Chris Christie who called Obama a "Petulant Child".     This is as Mr. Trump doubled down on the Muslim Question that has driven 500,000 Britons to ask for him to be banned from the UK:

The Guardian (@guardian)

Republican debate: Trump doubles down on Muslim ban as Bush calls him 'unhinged' – livetrib.al/HnhuKef #GOPDebate

On the eve of the debate, the Charlotte Observer published this in the aftermath of a Muslim Woman being ejected from a Trump Rally:

It was also of note that there was a call for guns and more guns in response to the President's Executive Action moves on Gun Control.    It was also of interest to note that as we went to press, Mr. Trump had widened his lead in Polls in the aftermath of the attacks by the President and Governor Haley of South Carolina.   It was quite interesting that the Wall Street Journal stood up for Governor Haley in the Thursday Edition of the Wall Street Journal.  

Our team did a quick compilation of a selection of what Campaigns did that we hope all enjoy:

A passionate and focused Marco dominated the debate stage in Charleston tonight. He showed a national audience and the other candidates on the stage why he is the smartest and strongest candidate for the President.

He has the vision, the ideas, and the strength to take back the White House. That's exactly what tonight made clear.

If you agree with me that Marco is exactly what our party needs to win in November, go here to make an instant secure donation to sustain our growing momentum.

Moments like tonight are what's inspiring millions of Americans to join up with Team Marco. But organizing our grassroots, driving voter turnout, and getting Marco's message out isn't cheap.

We need your help right now just to keep the campaign running through the intense primary season that's about to start.

With votes beginning in just 18 days, Marco is coming under attack even more than ever -- from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, and some Republicans. We need the support of voters like you to push back on these misleading attacks - any amount you can afford makes a difference.

Thanks for your support,

Terry Sullivan

Campaign Manager
Marco Rubio for President

This is from the Hillary Clinton Campaign:

Hi tweeter friends! The sixth (seriously, sixth) Republican debate is in the books, and what did we learn? That we can’t let a single one of those guys become president. Our friends at The Briefing put together a look at what 2017 might look like if one of these Republicans, you know, wins -- and spoiler alert, it’s downright terrifying.

Meanwhile, Team Hillary was out in force tonight working hard to make sure Hillary is our Democratic nominee. Retweet and share the love!

Natalie, we feel the same way. (How great is that??)

Thanks for standing strong, Team Tweeters -- and if you haven’t already, don’t forget to register for our Facebook training this Saturday at 3 p.m. ET:

Have a great night -- talk to you soon!


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