From Jeb campaign: "We raised $13,384,832 in the third quarter, which is double what Senator Rubio raised."
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) October 15, 2015
Although this is interesting, the Poll numbers continue to drop despite donor monies coming in and there is no return on investment. Jeb Bush seems to be falling apart and Trump continues to dominate at the expense of the so-called Establishment candidates. His numbers are less than Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders on the Democratic Side.
This is as Yesterday, for instance, saw Donald Trump on MSNBC and Ivanka Trump on CNN. The other candidates seem to be non-entities. One example is Rand Paul. Erick Erickson came out and said--get out now and save your seat in Kentucky.
This is as the campaign on the Democratic Side continues to gather steam. The E-Mail controversy, though, is continuing as epitomized by this our team received from the National Review:
This is as Yesterday, for instance, saw Donald Trump on MSNBC and Ivanka Trump on CNN. The other candidates seem to be non-entities. One example is Rand Paul. Erick Erickson came out and said--get out now and save your seat in Kentucky.
This is as the campaign on the Democratic Side continues to gather steam. The E-Mail controversy, though, is continuing as epitomized by this our team received from the National Review:
A previously unknown e-mail address used by Huma Abedin was discovered on Thursday, just hours before the top Hillary Clinton aide prepares to testify in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.
Ben Carson is taking time off to promote a new Book he's got going on--as Donald Trump and Ben Carson are threatening to pull out of the upcoming CNBC Republican Debate.
Never a Dull moment....
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