
Notations On Our World: On the "Virtual Road" For the 2016 US Presidential Campaign

It has been a very busy 24 hours on the campaign scene.   As the polling-industrial complex has been hard at work, there is also a very pivotal event on September 16 in Simi Valley at the Reagan Presidential Library.    Republican candidates will be on stage for the second debate.

Donald Trump continues to dominate the polls although some of the polling underscores the high unfavorable ratings he's had with Women and minorities.   .   His latest target has been Carly Fiorina who will be on the stage with him Wednesday night when the debate commences.   

He was in Texas earlier tonight and spoke at the American Airlines Arena where the Dallas Mavericks play.  For those who do not know who the Dallas Mavericks are, they are a Basketball Team owned by the Billionaire Mark Cuban who is one of the "Sharks" on Shark Tank and is as big a personality as Donald Trump is.     Cuban had an interview with CNBC where he said he would crush Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton but denied he's actually running for President.    Mr. Trump had one of the standard stump speeches on his dealing with Ford, how he cherished women and ridiculed John Kerry.  He also praised Ted Cruz as a "good guy" but said he would take it back if Mr. Cruz attacked him on Wednesday.

Mr. Trump is continuing to "steal the show" so far.   His speech in Texas began with some of the late-breaking developments of the "Peace" he achieved with NBCUniversal.   He had earlier disposed of the Miss Universe Pageant and settled out the lawsuits.    It was also announced that the new Celebrity Apprentice Host will be Arnold Schwarzenegger

This is an interesting "snapshot" of what Mr. Trump's views are:  

10 Charts Show Where Donald Trump Stands on the Issues

With so many interviews, debates, press conferences, tweets, Snapchats, Instagrams and Facebooks, it’s hard to keep track of where…

It has been quite a shock for us as we have seen some of the early favorites have just simply withered away.      Rick Perry was the first to "throw in the towel" as he suspended his campaign.  It will be interesting to see who remains standing as the Media War and the Polling War continues.

Jeb Bush sent out a "call to action" to his mailing list as he gears up for the CNN debate as noted below:

Jeb 2016!
Friend –

The second GOP debate of the 2016 election is only 3 days away and before I take the stage, I want to hear from you.

Will you take 10 seconds right now before this big debate to let me know what issue is most important to you?

Hearing the concerns of voters is one of the most important parts about running for President. To me, it’s a big part of what leadership is all about  – identifying the challenges facing Americans across the country and then putting forward real solutions to address them.

Here’s my commitment to you in advance of debate: I’m going to talk about my conservative ideas and how to move this country forward.

I believe every candidate on stage owes it to the American people to provide more than the same-old political talking points. But to do that, Friend, I need to hear from you.

Take our one-question survey now and let me know what issue you’d like the candidates to focus on.

It takes less than 10 seconds, I promise. Get started now, only 3 days to go: Jeb2016.com/Debate-Survey/

Thank you,


The Democratic Field is also just as challenging as we see it.     Hillary Clinton continues to stumble in the polls and there is a lot of talk about Vice President Joe Biden throwing his hat in the ring.    As we went to press with this edition of "Notations", we reviewed a breaking story by the Bloomberg's Jon Hollerman as he reported that the Vice President met with a very key financier in New York who is quite close to the President.    The Vice President has been publicly wrestling with this decision as exemplified by his comments at the Democratic National Committee and his appearance on Late Night with Stephen Colbert.   It is an interesting story as the Democratic Candidates continue to criss-cross the country.   Our team found the appearance by Senator Sanders at Liberty University of special interest in trying to appeal to this conservative base in underscoring that everyone had to be talked to.      As the Media Wars ensue, key issues such as Prisons seem to be falling by the wayside for the moment as well as profound challenges such as Gun Violence as exemplified by the Murder of a History Professor in Mississippi earlier today: 

Project Syndicate (@ProSyn)
The US has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prison population – about 2.2 million people bit.ly/1ieNRVp

As we went to press, it was just simply startling that saw this on the streets of  Orange County  as the campaign season gets under way: 

We wanted to also report on an very interesting resource we'd be consulting courtesy of USA.Gov which we will be periodically visiting as part of our on-going review and assessment: 

With the 2016 Presidential Election a little over a year away, do you know how to research presidential candidates and their political parties? On The Issues has a complete list of all the current presidential candidates and includes their views on issues important to constituents across the United States.   For more information visit our Researching Candidates page on USA.gov.

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