Our team has been on the "Virtual Prowl" as it has been assessing the latest on the US Political Front. It was of note how Hillary Clinton came out with an apology and also this email late last night as her poll numbers continue to slide:
Mike --
I wanted you to hear this directly from me: Yes, I should have used two email addresses, one for personal matters and one for my work at the State Department. Not doing so was a mistake. I'm sorry about it, and I take full responsibility. It's important for you to know a few key facts. My use of a personal email account was aboveboard and allowed under the State Department's rules. Everyone I communicated with in government was aware of it. And nothing I ever sent or received was marked classified at the time. As this process proceeds, I want to be as transparent as possible. That's why I've provided all of my work emails to the government to be released to the public, and why I'll be testifying in public in front of the Benghazi Committee later next month. I know this is a complex story. I could have -- and should have -- done a better job answering questions earlier. I'm grateful for your support, and I'm not taking anything for granted. I understand that you may have more questions, and I am going to work to keep answering them. If you want to read more, including my emails themselves, please go here: https://www.hillaryclinton. Thank you, Hillary
It is quite a read. This is as Republicans are trying to gain traction through the media as he Ted Cruz and Donald Trump (and others including Sarah Palin) teamed up to rally against the Iran Nuclear Deal. Ted Cruz noted that Iran can create an EMP attack that would directly impact the Eastern United States.
Beyond the US election scene, another more crucial event is coming up. Itis the climate change in Paris coming up later on this month. Our team will be on the "Virtual Road" as we assess the proceedings. The team @350.Org sent this advisory out with a key advisory on an event they have planned for tomorrow:
To be honest, I'm not much a fan of big climate summits. None so far have done hardly anything to solve the problem, and this year's Paris talks may be no different.
But if they're good for anything, it's that for a few weeks at least, the world tends to focus a little more on the state of the climate and our attempts to save it.
And so with the big Paris talks on the horizon, our job is to focus that attention on what it will really take to get serious: keeping at least 80% of fossil fuels under ground and getting to 100% renewable energy by 2050.
What may be different this time is that getting there is actually quite possible. The cost of solar panels is lower than ever and falling, and a big movement has sprung up to oppose new fossil fuel projects from Keystone XL to the Galilee Basin coal reserves in Australia.
We have a whole plan for the coming months: from local workshops this September, to a global day of action at the beginning of the Paris talks, to a mass action to have the final word after they end. And to cap it all off, April of next year we're planning the most ambitious wave of global action yet.
And tomorrow night in New York City, we're kicking it off with an event co-hosted by Naomi Klein, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and a ton of activists from around the world -- and we're livestreaming it out around the world.
We're going to try and lay out the road ahead for the climate movement -- how we're going to use mass action and divestment to keep turning off dirty energy, and turn on cheap, clean renewable power all over the world. We'll lay out a roadmap past the Paris talks and straight to one of the biggest days of resistance we've ever engaged in. Also, there will be good music!
So if you can't be there in the room, be in the virtual room on your computer. Just click here at 7 PMEastern time tomorrow when the show gets underway, and press play: 350.org/off-on-live
So if you can't be there in the room, be in the virtual room on your computer. Just click here at 7 PMEastern time tomorrow when the show gets underway, and press play: 350.org/off-on-live
In short, it's a night not to miss. Oh, and tweet in ideas/comments if you're watching; I'll be trying to monitor them during the show. Just use the hashtag #offandon.
With gratitude for all your work,
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