
Notations For the Week-End: Reflections On the Interfaith Service w/@Pontifex @Ground Zero

Our team has been commenting on the travel of the Holy Father in the United States.   The Holy Father was at the 9/11 Memorial yesterday.   He began by being at the Pool, meeting with the families of the first responders and thereafter walking into the Museum after giving each person a Rosary. 

It was a very moving ceremony that honored the fallen.   It was a ceremony that brought about the best of humanity and how resilient humans are--and how the beauty of faith can overcome hatred.   We could not help but be moved   as Imam Khalid Latif and Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove opened the proceedings with an embrace.     We also were so moved as the Holy Father embraced Imam Latif after the ceremony.     This was just one beautiful scene of many the World was witness to with Rabbi Cosgrove, Imam Latif and the Holy Father:   

Our team caught an interview with a retired New York Fire Department Fire Firefighter, Peter D'Ancona.   He was a Marine For 10 years before joining the Department and was one of the first responders that ran into the building and as Brian Williams of MSNBC noted, "worked the pile".   Members of our team were driven to near tears as he noted how he had never walked through the Museum and remembered his Brother Firefighters who had fallen--some 343 members of them.  We salute them all.

Cantor Azi Schwartz's moving Jewish  Prayer of the Fallen sent shivers down our spine as we listened to it and he ended it with "Shalom" (Peace):  

What the Youth sang that moved the Holy Father moved us all:  

It is a prayer and an aspiration we all aspire to.  Let there peace on what the Holy Father reminded us is our Common Home.

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