
An #Outsider Newsflash: The US Federal Government Will Remain Open......

As we have been planning out the new Quarter, we have also been keeping an eye on Washington and received an update that the Government will continue operating through December 11.   This is the latest we received on this from the team @Government Executive--This is only temporary though....

We will be assessing this as we are on the verge of electing new leadership in the US House of Representatives: 

  GovExec Breaking News   
September 30, 2015

A Shutdown Has Been Avoided ... For Now // Sarah Mimms and Alex Rogers

Con­gress has aver­ted a mid­night shut­down, as the House on Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon fol­lowed the Sen­ate's ex­ample by eas­ily passing a tem­por­ary spend­ing bill fund­ing the gov­ern­ment through Decem­ber 11.
The stop­gap meas­ure passed the Sen­ate 78 to 20 and then cleared the House on a 277-151 vote, des­pite the op­pos­i­tion of dozens of con­ser­vat­ives with ob­jec­tions to any pack­age that con­tin­ues to fund Planned Par­ent­hood. Videos re­leased by a pro-life group charge that the or­gan­iz­a­tion is il­leg­ally selling fetal tis­sue for a profit; the or­gan­iz­a­tion vig­or­ously denies the al­leg­a­tions.
Click here for the entire story. 


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