
Notations On Our World (weekend Edition): On #theIranDeal

As our team was assessing the latest on the Iran Deal, we received reports of the 31st US Senator--Jeff Merkley of Oregon-- who has declared his intentions to support the deal with Iran.    This is as opponents have continued to make their case on why the deal should not be approved.   This included Governor Walker of Wisconsin making his case on this morning's Meet the Press about tearing up the deal. 

The Republican Weekly Address on Saturday featured the Chairman of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Congressman Ed Royce of California.    He has been an ardent opponent of the deal and the chief sponsor of the resolution of disapproval.   The Speaker of the House's weekly outreach published by the Speaker's Press Office featured him prominently along with other developments on the House side:

Weekly Address: Why We Need To Stop This Iran Deal

August 30, 2015 | View Online

Click here to watch

Congress will soon vote on a resolution to prevent implementation of the president’s Iran deal.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) is the sponsor of that resolution, and in this week’s Republican address, he makes the case that we need to stop this deal because it makes the world less safe.  “If this agreement goes through,” Royce says, “Iran gets a cash bonanza, it gets a boost to its international standing, and a path toward nuclear weapons.”
You can watch the address now, and check out these news stories:
“US Republican says Iran deal makes world 'less safe.’  A top Republican from the US Congress on Saturday blasted the Iran nuclear deal as ‘deeply flawed’ and said the agreement would make the world ‘less safe.’ …  ‘If this agreement goes through, Iran gets a cash bonanza, a boost to its international standing, and a path toward nuclear weapons,’ said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce in the Republicans' weekly address.  ‘This deal is deeply flawed. It makes the world less safe. We can -- and must -- do better,’ he added.  Royce recently introduced a resolution that prevents implementation of the agreement. The House of Representatives will vote on the matter next month.” (AFP)
“GOP rep: Iran deal 'falls way short'… The Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee says the nuclear deal with Iran ‘falls way short’ in keeping the Middle East nation honest. … ‘If this agreement goes through, Iran gets a cash bonanza, it gets a boost to its international standing, and a path toward nuclear weapons,’ he said in the GOP’s weekly address. ‘I have come to my conclusions. This deal is deeply flawed. It makes the world less safe.’ (The Hill)
“Republicans continued to knock the president for negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran that ensures Tehran will get ‘a cash bonanza’ after economic sanctions are lifted.  ‘Iran doesn't behave like the peaceful countries that have nuclear programs,’ Rep. Ed Royce, R-California, said in a video Saturday. ‘Why does this agreement treat it like one?’ … ‘We all wanted this negotiation to succeed, but as America's representatives, we must ask - is this agreement in the long-term national security interest of the United States?’ Royce said.” (CBS News)
“In the weekly Republican address, the California lawmaker – who's introduced a resolution preventing implementation of the agreement – delivers a blistering critique of a ‘flawed’ pact that ‘comes up short.  … Citing a long list of problems in the pact, from a 24-day period of warning of an inspection, to the reported self-inspection by Iranians, to the lifting of international restrictions on Iran's intercontinental ballistic missile program, Royce calls the deal ‘deeply flawed.’” (Newsmax)
“House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) gave this week's GOP address speaking about the Iran nuclear deal.   According to Royce, if the deal goes through, Iran will get a ‘cash bonanza,’ which will lead to a path of nuclear weapons.  ‘Is there any other reason why Iran – an energy rich country – is advancing its nuclear technology other than to make a nuclear weapon?’ asked Royce in the address.” (ABC News Radio)
Speaker Boehner’s .Press Office | H-232 The Capitol | 202-225-0600y

Based on the assessment at hand, we believe that the President will see through the deal.     The day after is where things will continue to get quite challenging.    Wall Street Journal reported on the "Plan B" taking shape. This includes a renewal of the Iran Sanctions act for 10 years ---spearheaded by Senator Mark Kirk and Bob Menendez.      

As our team continues its' on-going assessment, this very interesting retrospective on Iran is worth mentioning:

Project Syndicate (@ProSyn)

Iran's Islamic revolution of 1979 has finally ended bit.ly/1gYuZsM

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