
Notations From Grid : On Israel Today

The pivotal day of March 3 is before us.   Israel is in the midst of an Election Cycle that is turning out to be quite exciting to observe.

Our #Outsider team joined a recent Conference Call with a Knesset Member recently sponsored by +J Street that has been at the forefront of opposition to moves by the Israeli Prime Minister as he's made moves to undermine negotations with Iran.   The Prime Minister has said that he has a moral obligation to warn America against a bad deal with Congress.   It was also especially problematic as it was revealed by the House Speaker that he had kept the White House in the dark as it arranged for a speech by the Israeli Prime Minister.

Jon Stewart of the Daily Show noted how all the moves have been ever so petty--and we agree.   What found especially disturbing was this published to Vox that showed how leaks by Israel had been designed to undermine the negotations:

Becuase of this fact, the United States has stopped cooperating with Israel as noted in this we released as a newsflash to our Facebook Page earlier today: 

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