The final push has begun by all candidates throughout the United States. It has been quite a spectacle to see the parties be on the money grab that they have been and the pathethic ways in which they have been on the prowl with emails like "I'm begging". The targeted emails have been perfected to quite a science now as exemplified by this sent out by the Democratic Governors Association:
Many in the United States have already voted via absentee ballot. This is in spite of the fact that there have been constant challenges to the early voting process in a number of states--with challenges having gone all the way to the US Supreme Court. What was unfortunate to observe though was such reporting and commentary as reported by the Washington Post and noted by Professor Jonathan Turley on his blog:
Hillary Clinton wrote to you: “Losing isn’t an option. Not this time. Not in these crucial midterm elections. There’s just too much at stake.”
Hillary is doing ALL SHE CAN, but she cannot…
Unless you immediately step up with a donation to answer Hillary’s call, DEMOCRATS WILL LOSE.
Mike, please don’t say no: We need you to give as much as you can before MIDNIGHT so we can rush it to our campaigns to pay for ads, vans, and voter protection.
If you say no, REPUBLICANS WILL SUPPRESS VOTERS AND … Wisconsin could be LOST. Texas, Georgia=STAYING RED. We won’t even take back deep-blueMaine.
So this is it: Could you tell Hillary you can’t join her in the FIGHT? Please, give this very second.
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation to the DGA will go through immediately:
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