
View of the Week: On the Federal Budget

As the new Quarter is at hand, I was quite taken by the work done by the National Priorities Project on the subject of taxes.   They do some interesting work in understanding the Federal Budget: 

Tax Day is April 15. Do you know where your federal income taxes went? National Priorities Project has released our annual tax receipt showing how the federal government spent every penny of your income taxes in 2013. 

Check out your own personalized tax receipt to see a breakdown of how your money was spent, as well as average taxpayer receipts for the United States and every individual state.

And don't miss our Taxes 101 fact sheet with the seven things you need to knowabout taxes. Everyone who pays income taxes should read this!

Here's what else happened this week:

Federal Spending in Your State
Each year, as part of the president's budget request, the White House releases projected spending on grants to the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Find out how much in federal funds your state is projected to get in 2015 for everything from special education to clean drinking water.

Our Work, By Issue Area
This week we debuted an easy way to find all our online research and tools by issue area. We have new videos, fact sheets, and in-depth reports on: the budget process, education, military, taxes, debt and deficit, health care, earned benefits programs, and government transparency.


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