
Al Jazerra Launches Its' English Channel Service

Al Jazerra is finally getting its' English Language Channel off the ground. Here is the release posted to Al Jazerra's Website:

Source: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/

Retrieved November 15, 2006

Al Jazeera English goes live

Al Jazeera English, the new international news channel from the Qatar-based television network, has begun broadcasting from its main studios in Doha.

The opening broadcast, which was expected to be available in 80 million households around the world, took place at 3pm Doha time (12:00 GMT) and featured a clip introducing the channel.

Aiming to be the channel of reference for Middle East events, Al Jazeera also has broadcast centres Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington.

Al Jazeera, which celebrated its 10th anniversary on November 1, has revolutionised news media in the Arab world, and has also provoked controversy.

'Unprecedented' launch

Wadah Khanfar, the director-general of Al Jazeera network, said on the eve of the first broadcast: "Our launch figure is over double the original target we set for ourselves."

"This is unprecedented in the broadcasting industry"

Wadah Khanfar, director-general, Al Jazeera network

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"This is unprecedented in the broadcasting industry - no other international news channel has launched with such a high number of homes across the world.

"We will continue to build on this figure after launch and will be looking to expand our reach significantly. This is another reflection of the strength of Al Jazeera brand."

In addition to cable and satellite, it will be available on broadband, IPTV, ADSL, terrestrial and mobile phone platforms.

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