Showing posts with label Senator Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Senator Obama. Show all posts


Another Interesting Day.....

Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama today. The only major force that is right now missing are the Clintons. I would be very interested in finding out how they come out and in what fashion in they come out.

Now, on another note, the Iraqi Foreign Minister claims that negotiations over the Iraqi-US Status of Force agreement is a sovereign Iraqi decision. Sorry, Mr. Foreign Minister, that is as big a joke as I have ever heard. I don't know who to believe. For the sake of Iraqis, I do hope that the insurgency has been defeated.

As for Afghanistan, the so-called good war, Karzai the puppet spoke up yet again. He threatened to send his forces into Pakistan. He can't even fix his own country, yet he wants to attack Pakistan. Now, Al Jazeera is reporting that the Taliban are threatening to take over Kandahar, Afghanistan's Second City and Karzai's home town. Of course, the coalition will probably destroy the city in order to save it (remember falluja). The British are also sending more troops to fight the "good war". The wars seem never to end.


May we live in interesting times......

Well, Senator Obama has clinched the Democratic Nomination for President. Senator Clinton and Senator Obama have apparently met, according to CNN ( and BBC is reporting that they apparently at Senator Feinstein's home. The party is starting the process to gear up for the general election..and it will be a great election. To me, this is probably the pivotal election that would define where we go from here for another generation.

I have repeatedly reflected upon the world-wide challenges we face as a country. Although we are at peace here at home, we have profound challenges. The credit crisis continues, gas continues to rise, the gap between rich and poor continues to rise and we continue to be faced with changes in our economy and our long-term viability as an economic superpower. These are challenges that the new President has to face head-on.

Moving on to Africa, I have shared my frustrations with what is going on in Zimbabwe. It is shameful that Mugabe goes to Rome to participate in a Food Summit when his country is starving. Now, BBC has just reported that The so-called Zimbabwean Government has suspended aid operations until further notice because of the absurd charge that the aid organizations support the opposition. What is shameful is the silence of the South African Development Community and South Africa in particular. Apparently, South Africa had to intervene in order to get the leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change released. I wonder about the poor people of Zimbabwe...and pray for them. This is something that Robert Mugabe has forgotten. When you're in public service, that's exactly what it serve the public.....

June 6 (which is tomorrow) is also the anniversary of the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. He was gunned down at the age of 42 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. One of my cousins was there when he was assassinated. From what I have read of that year, it was another watershed year. Historians continue to debate what would have been possible if RFK would have survived.

The struggle to overcome must never be stopped...and we must continue to strive to "
create the future" as we were so eloquently reminded of by Tom Friedman in his book "the World is Flat". We owe it to our children and grandchildren. Our leaders need to remember that.


The Democratic Race...Continued.....

Today was the meeting to decide the fate of the Michigan and Florida Delegates. The rules committee of the Democratic National Committee decided to seat both delegations, granting them 1/2 vote. Senator Clinton reserved her right to appeal the decision to the Credentials Committee, as reported by CNN (Source:, retrieved May 31, 2008). This is going on too long. I hope that the Super Delegates will make their decisions and make their decisions now. I am glad that Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi have spoken up about the need for the infighting to end. Senator McCain is using this to solidify his base, solidify his finances and be ready. Senator McCain will be one tough opponent and I don't think anyone realizes it. He fought back from being virtually eliminated to be the Republican Standard-bearer. Therefore if the Democratic Party thinks it is going to be easy, it will be in for a shock. Three Special Elections in the Congress will not necessarily translate into taking back the White House. That is the prize that will make all the difference in the world.


The latest twist in the Democratic Battle

Well, Senator Obama released his tax returns. Senator Clinton pledged to release her tax returns. As a Democrat, I am frankly frustrated and disappointed. The world is falling apart. Iraq is once again about to blow up in our faces. Four Thousand of our best and brightest have lost their lives. Four Thousand Brothers, sisters, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters will not come back to their loved ones again. Yet, the leading Democratic Candidates fight over tax returns. If this farce continues, Senator McCain will most certainly win. And we will have more of the same. This has to stop NOW!!! Someone needs to get involved and bring this comical show to a conclusion. I wonder if that will happen, though!!!


Bill Richardson, The Campaign & Our Future

As we begin another week, I read about Bill Richardson on CNN....Poor Bill Richardson...
Governor Richardson has been criticized for endorsing Barrack Obama. He is typical of many within the Democratic Party who are looking for a new way forward, but hold a special affinity for the Clintons for what they have done for us as a nation. As I have said before, I am also a Clintonista but I am not sure right now if Senator Clinton can win. Senator Obama will have a tough time in light of all that has come out especially due to the controversy surrounding his former spiritual advisor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. One thing I know for sure: We have to change. I sure don't want another 4 years of the same. I have said many times that John McCain must be respected because of his patriotic service to his country. However, what he envisions for our country going forward is not a vision I agree with. I am sure that I speak for many in my views of this. Some will agree...and I respect their views. I just pray that the ensuing political debate will be one of mutual respect. I sure don't want another Swift Boat campaign....we deserve a lot more.......


The World Today.....

Today saw Barrack Obama sustain his momentum. He won the Wisconsin Primary. I am a "Clintonista", because of the long-standing respect I have had for Bill Clinton ever since he helped to reshape the Democractic Party in the mid-80's. He understood that there had to be a different way, whereby government should be a "partner", not be the answer to all the problems. The race is not over. But, it is Obama's to lose.

Half way around the world, Pakistan repudiated Pervez Musharaf. Maybe this will help to save Pakistan. As I listen to the BBC, they're about to talk to Nawaz Sharif, the self-styled "lion of punjab" about the possiblity of a coalition government. What I was happy about was the fact that the elections were relatively violence-free. The Army Chief, General Kiani, has begun to disengage the Army from civilian institutions. It will be quite interesting to see how things turn out.

Coming back to our hemipshere, Fidel Castro retired officially as President of Cuba today. Whatever one may think of him, he is one of the giants of our time. I realize that many neo-cons and the Cubans in Miami don't like to hear it. But, I agree with President Lula of Brazil in this regard.

May we live in intersting times....