
Change & Transformation

Change is the only constant thing we have before us. Being able to somehow harness that power in a way that helps guide us in our lives, our business interests and our overall approach to life. Just reflecting upon how life and technology has changed over the last twelve months just blows one away.

I've thought through change and the comemnts by Paul Novak, ISM's CEO, is very much applicable to any thing in your life, as well as the business at hand..

" ...Absent a crisis that threatens the survival of the business, transformation takes far more than most people and companies think. Transformation in supply management has the highest likelihood for success when the company is transforming all functions in the company. Without senionr management's active participation in teh process not just tacit support, success is far less likely...."

Source: Novak, Paul, "Take on Transformation", Inside Supply Management, September 2007, Page 6.

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