
Notations On Our World (weekend edition): On #Iran, #Afghanistan, #US & Other Thoughts

The last 24 hours has been yet again quite challenging in the Middle East.    Russia has stepped up its' campaign in a major way in Syria to support Assad as Iran has also apparently deployed additional troops.     We also saw reports that apparently Iran warned Russia on Assad's impending fall and how Iran was not in a position to prop him up as everyone who can escape is escaping and even Damascus is not safe anymore.

We have also been continuing to assess the aftermath of the Hajj Stampede.    This is as the first of the over 400 of the fallen as a result of the Haj Stampede in Saudi Arabia were officially received in Iran as the President, the Parliament Speaker, the Chief Justice and the Supreme Guide (leader's) Chief of Staff looked on:

The Saudi Foreign Minister accused Iran of "politicizing" the issue after the Health Minister earlier said that it was the fault of the pligrims because they did not follow directions.        Our team will be continuing to assess this especially as the Vice President for Legal Affairs for Iran said that all legal matters are being pursued to hold Saudi Arabia Accountable.

The situation in #Kunduz was also worrisome as our team reviewed the Statement from Doctors Without Borders earlier. Condemnations have been forthcoming from all corners including the UN as the hospital was bombed despite all parties having been informed of the GPS coordinates.  This report from the Chief of the Hospital (available by clicking here) is telling on the carnage as this from the Hosptial as fighting began and as the Emergency Room was burning:

We here @ #Outsiders salute all the brave souls of Doctors Without Borders who are at the forefront of conflicts all around the World and extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen.  We also pray that their sacrifice is not in vain.

There are truly challenging times especially as we also continue to assess  the troublesome job creation report that adds to on-going broad global worries as the wars around the World rage on.

Truly challenging times.....


The Friday Musical Interlude: Herb Alpert Performs......

It is time for the Friday Musical Interlude here in #Outsiders.       We hope all enjoy this double "oldie" from our artist of the week, Herb Alpert:

Notations From the Grid: On the Aftermath of #UCCShooting in Oregon

Forget Oregon’s Gunman. Remember a Hero
Chris Mintz
This morning, leaders gathered at the site of the carnage yesterday to remember the fallen and to underscore the need to heel.  Congressman Peter DeFazio was ever so eloquent in underscoring that there will be time to discuss solutions although the debate has begun already.

Our team was in full agreement as we worked on the Daily Social Media Curation and the editorial plan with this from the Daily Beast' Michael Daly  as he paid tribute to Chris Mintz who with his heroic action saved countless lives: 

No amount of murder seems likely to result in gun control any time soon. So let’s do what we can to stop the lunacy—by reserving the limelight for the vet who rushed Thursday’s shooter.

In line with the President's Call to Action, one of the multitude of Media Outlets who worked on publishing the statistics on the number of the fallen due to Gun Violence was done by The Nooner in Sacramento which we hereby note here for reference--The commentary is in and of itself telling as he is ever so evident of the hundreds of thousands of responsible Gun Owners:
In the last ten years, 313 people have been killed by terrorists in the U.S. Meanwhile, 316,545 have been killed by gun violence in the United States, and unfortunately far more often in schools. As I have stated, I grew up around guns, love spending time with my dad and family members on our family ranch in Texas with responsible gun use and hunting. While there are plentiful deer on the ranch, we use a very responsible wildlife preservation program. And, now with great Longhorns on the ranch, it's just a wildlife Mecca. Before you think of this a glamarous place, it is very rustic!
Of course, the wild hogs are a different story since they have 10-15 piglets per year! Feel free to take as many you like! (Sorry Jennifer Fearing.)
We were taught early on about very safe gun use. I have no problem with hunting shotguns and rifles. But, 9 deaths and 7 injuries at a community college in my home state of Oregon is just horrifying. #BROKENHEARTED Fourteen guns "legally purchased" have been recovered at both the school and the shooter's residence. WTF?
"Are you Christian? Okay, you're going to die--shot to the head." (Fortunately, I am Buddhist.) Folks, we have to address this.

Our team could not agree with him more:  We have to and "MUST" address this.     Jeb Bush, though, noted that, "Stuff Happens" as others also weighed in which was just reported out by +The Guardian within the past hour as we went to press here.   (Update: President Obama was asked about it at his news conference that is still going on as we went to press.   He said he had no reaction and would leave it up to the voters.     This depiction on the Guardian was also quite telling as the horrific tragedy in Syria continues with no end in sight:Martin Rowson 3.10.2015