
A "Thought 4 the Week" 2 Be Reminded Of...


On the Dawn Of a New Week: A "View of the Week"

A new week has dawned here in "Outsiders".    It has been an interesting week in terms of the on-going political events as the mid-terms are beginning in earnest in the United States and the World is ever so challenging.   The front page of today's Wall Street Journal depicting the two Kurdish Children as refugees underscores the continued plight the World is facing today.

As deliberations are at hand here in "Outsiders" on the US Political Scene, the aftermath of Scotland, the challenges in Europe & the broader challenge of climate change, the day here started on such a high note as #Bing featured one of the most beautiful of home pages which we here @ "outsiders" tweeted out earlier this morning.     On the eve of the UN General Assembly,  it was quite timely especially as the World had a World-Wide Day of Action including one in New York City spearheaded by Al Gore, the Mayor of New York City, the Foreign Minister of France and the Activist Jane Goodall.   

What is ever so clear as one assesses the World to remember to embrace this--and never succumb to the conventional so that one can be the change to help transform the World--the essence of why "outsiders" has been launched:

Every human has four endowments:
self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination.
These give us the ultimate human freedom...
The power to choose, to respond, to change.
- Stephen Covey

When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves
and our own self-preservation,
we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.
- Joseph Campbell


Being Witness to History: As #Scotland Votes...

Scotland has decided to stay inside the United Kingdom:

There will be post-referendum challenges that will be faced by the United Kingdom especially as the UK Independence Party will continue to make inroads and the potential clamour for an English Assembly will begin as the UK gets ready for National Elections next year.    Right now, it appears that Labor will win--and in large measure due to the strength it has in Scotland.  It will be interesting to see how the Scottish National Party will overcome this.

The key players in the No Campaign should be very proud of themselves --including the key Party Leaders and the leaders of the #BetterTogether Campaign--led by Alistair Darling & the former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.   If he had been as aggressive as he was during his fight with David Cameron, he may well have been Prime Minister today.     Alex Salmond has delivered his concession speech and is now talking to Prime Minister Cameron as he noted that he expects David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg to devolve further powers to Scotland.     This is as the major UK National Parties are beginning their conferences shortly.

Alistair Darling, the leader of the No Campaign, just also spoke realizing the work ahead.  But, there is somewhat of a relief now--but it is now the day after and a lot of work remains.

As the Week-End Dawns here in "Outsiders", leaving all with this:    

..As it is ever so  fun to be witness to history.....