
View of the Week (W-End Edition): On the Prowl w/Global Citizen

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The Global Citizen Guide to Education
July 21, 2017, Newsletter
Global Citizen Stories
Why Sesame Street’s Newest Puppets Are So Important
The new characters, Zari and Zeerak, have moved onto Afghanistan’s Sesame Street to teach kids a super important lesson about women and girls.
Get Ready for Two Justin Trudeaus to Melt Your Heart
The only thing better than one Justin Trudeau is two Justin Trudeaus. See the heartwarming picture of Canada’s prime minister and the Syrian baby named after him.
This Country Just Banned Styrofoam-Like Containers
After a five year notice, this country is cracking down on the harmful plastic and handing out huge fines – with absolutely no exceptions.
11 Angela Merkel Quotes That Will Make You Say ‘YES!’
The German chancellor just turned 63, and to celebrate her birthday, we pulled together her very best quotes on leadership and human rights.
This Woman Was Arrested for Being a Woman
For this woman in Saudi Arabia, a six-second video was all it took for police to investigate and arrest her – just for walking through the country in a skirt.
Couple Facing Acid Threats – Just for Getting Married
News of the first gay Muslim wedding in the UK should be reason to celebrate – but now the couple is facing serious threats as acid attacks are on the rise.
This Man Sells Falafel to Help Feed Refugees
As if we needed another reason to eat falafel – this man in Washington, DC, donates a portion of all his falafel shop sales to help the world’s most vulnerable.
Kids Are Starving and Seriously Need Your Help
Right now, 1.4 million kids are suffering from severe malnutrition as famine threatens Africa. Call on world leaders to end this crisis immediately.