
Notations On Our World: On the Latest On #Iran Elections

We have been monitoring continued reports out of Iran as we reported on the disqualification of one of the sitting Members of Parliament, Ali Motahari.      The latest reports we've seen is that only 30 of the 3,000 reformist candidates have been approved.   Even one of Khomeini's Grandsons has been disqualified.

We saw this headline on a leading Iranian Paper:

The pictures shows the head of the Guardian Council, Janati (whose son is a Minister in Rouhani's Cabinet) with President Rouhani.   The headline reads that Rouhani and Larijani (The Speaker) are to hold consultations with the Guardian Council in regards to the disqualifications.  

This cartoon we also saw on one of papers said it all:

The red depicts the so-called hardliners vs. the Purples--The Reformists.

It is bound to be interesting.