
Notations On Our World: On A Very Disturbing Development in #Iran

Iranian MP Ali Motahari 

As we have been assessing the aftermath of Implementation Day, one very disturbing development from Iran as news has come out on the Candidates as the Feburary Elections draws near.  One of the leading opposition Parliament Members, Ali Motahari, has been disqualified from standing again as a Member of Parliament.    Mr. Motahari was a thorn in the side of the previous President, Ahmadinejad for the longest time and was one of the few members of Parliament who had the courage to speak out against the continued imprisonment of the Green Movement Leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi.    This is as Iran continues profound challenges with a new budget on the advent of the new Iranian New Year.

Our team is due to release updated commentary on Iran over the next few days....