
As a New Week Dawns...Some Brief Reflections.....

A new week full of challenges is before us all,  yet again.     As the daily debates over sequestration, guns & wars continue onward,   I was thinking about the purpose of life and sometimes wondered about where the "big break" is going to come for us as individuals and our World.    I remembered this admonition that is so crucial to a heart-filled, responsible and yes, happy life:

I also thought about the "when" in a break..and the fact that one has to keep going is so vital:

I think everyday is our day..if we decide to make it so--sometimes one wonders whether one worries about finances, one's job and others.    The key is to keep trying and keep pushing along--and to paraphrase Dr. King, keep crawling if there is no option left.     

What also gives me hope is such stories that underscores a sense of humanity is very much out there for all.  Our World and we as humans are all better for it:

Onward to the new week with all its' possibilities!!!