Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts


What a World.....

It has been another eventful week. As I continue to analyze the world and write about it in my current affairs blog ( , I continue to be concerned and taken aback by the utter disregard that our political leaders around the world seem to show towards the long-term benefit of our world. The latest sabre-rattling has to do with Israel. This is on top of the fact that the U.S. Economy continues to deteriorate, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae' stock tumbled on fears of being under-capitalized and yet somehow, our leaders want to potentially start another war. We have to step back, focus on the fundamentals and also push the need to negotiate. Diplomacy has to be fashionable again. It has to be so for the sake of the world we live in.


A New President for Lebanon

Lebanon has a new President. I had a chance to listen to his speech to the Lebanese Parliament on Al Jazeera. I hope that Lebanon can come together and overcome the profound challenges before it. Interestingly enough, today is the 8th Anniversary of Israeli Withdrawal from Southern Lebanon. I would be interested to see what Hassan Nassarallah has to say tomorrow. Hezbollah had a celebration planned for today which they postponed because of the election of President Suleiman. Lebanon can use a break and I hope that the leaders of Lebanon have the wisdom, the courage and the vision to execute now.


President Bush's Speech At the Israeli Knesset

The President of the United States just got done speaking at the Israeli Knesset. Israel is to be commended for its' achievements. But, the credit also goes to the people of the United States to have supported Israel to the tune of Billions of Dollars per year. That support is right. But the rights of millions of Palestinians has to be addressed. The President did not do that. He has given Mahmoud Abbas promises to no avail.

The President only focused on Iran. I am convinced that The President of Iran is an idiot. Yet, President Bush just wants to find a new enemy. In 2003, it was Iraq. Now, it is Iran's turn. I can't wait for January 20, 2009. It will not happen soon enough.


Comedy Classic (Act II)

This past week saw the Bush Administration present, behind closed doors, proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Syria and North Korea were developing a nuclear bomb. Also, the rhetoric against Iran intensified. I was very disappointed when Senator Clinton said that she would annihilate Iran if Iran attacked Israel. I think the so-called President of Iran has a big mouth, which has led to such rhetoric. I don't know the man, but I think his speech in Qom recently on 9/11 truly led me to believe that he is living in a different planet. Furthermore, in my view, his bark is bigger than his bite. He is a mere "clerk". He has positioned himself as a man of the people. Yet, the people in Iran seem to be further and further on the edge of the abyss. Inflation is rising, unemployment is estimated at around 25-30% and the future is not as bright for the majority of Iranians. How can he position himself as a man of the people when he seems not to be aware of the plight of the ordinary folks who are suffering?

As I have thought about the predicament we face today in the Middle East (largely of our own making) It seems to me that no one seems to even know how to spell Diplomacy. I wonder when reason prevail? When we will stop rattling our sabres and start talking? Maybe I am expecting too much.


The Tragedy of Gaza

As I write this, The BBC is interviewing a physician in Gaza about the tragedy that is going on. As I listen to both sides of it, I am trying to make sense of it all. The UN says that they have ran out of fuel to provide food to Gaza. Yet, Israel says that there is fuel available. The tragedy goes on. People are dying and they are hungry. Yet, the world seems to be silent and the blame game seems to go on. I trust that someone listens to the pleadings by the head of UNRWA, who looks after Palestinian refugees.

The more shocking news to me was the arrest of a former Army Engineer on charges of spying for Israel. I don't know what else Israel wants. We provide $ 4 Billion a year to Israel, we give Israel a virtual blank check to do whatever it wants and yet the Government of Israel spies on the United States. That I just don't understand.