
Notations On Our World: On #Americas Watch regarding #SCOTUS & #Congress (Some Late Breaking Developments)

The high court’s move is a blow to the Obama administration and a victory for the coalition of 27 mostly Republican-led states and industry opponents.

As the voting in New Hampshire is winding down, it has also been quite a day on the Political Front in Washington.   Congress came out and said that it would not be considering President Obama's Budget Proposal.     The Heritage's Daily Signal featured the justification for this decision:

What Obama got wrong in his 2017 budget. President Barack Obama released his 2017 fiscal year budget to Congress. Here is what Heritage Foundation researchers had to say about the president's budget.
Here's why GOP chairmen decided to snub Obama's budget chief. The Daily Signal's Leah Jessen reports why the Senate and House budget chairmen won't be calling White House Budget Director Shaun Donovan to testify about Obama's spending plan.
From the research we have done, apparently this has been the first time in 41 years that Congress has snubbed a President's Budget Director.

Beyond this, there is a late breaking Development that the United States Supreme Court has blocked President Obama's Climate Action Plan in response to a lawsuit by 27 States.     Some have noted this to be a "War On Coal".  Our team's view is that it is a war worth fighting.    What we also found especially interesting was how as the US Media was busy with New Hampshire, it was interesting how these stories broke.

We will be assessing both of these over the ensuing days and weeks.   As we also went to press, we are seeing reports of  Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders leading.   The Guardian of London is reporting this live that is available by clicking here.       We will be assessing the "day after" once the results have been finalized.

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