
Notations On Our World: Late Breaking Developments (#Iraq; #Mosul & #US Deploying Troops)

As we write this, we are getting reports from the US networks that the Obama Adminstration is dispatching a 500-strong contingent to Iraq osteinsbly to train additoinal Iraqis as they gear up to take back the City of Ramadi.      Currently there are 3,000 Advisors fighting on the frontlines and whether this is a major escalation remains to be seen.   

This escalation is as Daesh continues to expand its' footprint.   What was quite striking was how the Iraqi Prime Mniniste promised that the invasion of Mosul was evident.   Yet, it is far from it.   The BBC uncovered a blockbuster to underscore the extent of the brutality and sheer terror the people of Mosul have been subjected to--we have noted some excerpts released to the BBC site below--please click here as we wanted to have the entire spectre of reporting done by Ghadi Sary of the BBC who secured this compelling clips:

  1. Inside Mosul: Persecution of minorities

    …Exclusive footage obtained by the BBC's Ghadi Sary from inside Mosul reveals how IS persecutes minorities. The fall of Iraq's second-biggest city was part of the brutal, extremist group's rapid…
    Published Date
  2. Inside Mosul: Indoctrination and surveillance

    …Exclusive footage obtained by the BBC's Ghadi Sary from inside Mosul reveals how IS controls its population through indoctrination and surveillance. The fall of Iraq's second-biggest city was…
    Published Date

  3. Inside Mosul: Control of women

    …Exclusive footage obtained by the BBC's Ghadi Sary from inside Mosul reveals how IS controls the lives of women. The fall of Iraq's second-biggest city was part of the brutal, extremist group…

It is chilling....and a developing story.....

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