
Notations on Our World: On the "Grid" reflecting upon #Iran.....

It has been another interesting 24 hours as the World awaits what happens on November 24 whether #IranTalksVienna (One of the many hashtags prevalent on Twitter) will succeed or not.   As noted before, it will be only half the battle as the New York Times' Thomas Erderink noted in his usual even keel analysis of the minefields ahead:


It is not at all helpful when Friday Prayer sermons are said to undermine the goodwill that seems to be continuing onward--as noted in a recent outreach by the folks @ MEMRI (The Middle East Media Research Institute).    We here @Outsiders noted how it was all "noise"--but it does underscore the challenge being faced by President +Hassan Rohani  and Foreign Minister +javad zarif  as the negotations continue.   One interesting signal of potential change, too, was the pardoning of the so-called #Blogfather of Iran by Ayatollah Khamenei--we here @ "outsiders" were gratified to see his Tweet and ever so happy to see him set free:

The struggle continues...and it is ever so fun to be witness to history...

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