
Bill Richardson, The Campaign & Our Future

As we begin another week, I read about Bill Richardson on CNN....Poor Bill Richardson...
Governor Richardson has been criticized for endorsing Barrack Obama. He is typical of many within the Democratic Party who are looking for a new way forward, but hold a special affinity for the Clintons for what they have done for us as a nation. As I have said before, I am also a Clintonista but I am not sure right now if Senator Clinton can win. Senator Obama will have a tough time in light of all that has come out especially due to the controversy surrounding his former spiritual advisor Rev. Jeremiah Wright. One thing I know for sure: We have to change. I sure don't want another 4 years of the same. I have said many times that John McCain must be respected because of his patriotic service to his country. However, what he envisions for our country going forward is not a vision I agree with. I am sure that I speak for many in my views of this. Some will agree...and I respect their views. I just pray that the ensuing political debate will be one of mutual respect. I sure don't want another Swift Boat campaign....we deserve a lot more.......

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